Update 4/5/2019: Version 4.6.5
Bugfix for Markets screen failing to load.
Update 1/29/2019: Version 4.6.4
1. UI enhancement on the markets detail screen to show smoother chart graphs.
2. bug fix for the markets detail screen chart graph time labels not displaying correctly.
3. Added support for AION pool https://aionpool.tech.
Version 4.6.3 - 1/15/2019:
1. We switched to a new source for market data and now the app can show all available coins (2,000+ coins).
2. Updated the coin detail screen to have the graph history for the coin price, market cap and volume show per day/week/month/year/all time.
3. Made UI and stability improvements for better user experience.
Version 4.6.0 - 1/07/2019:
version 4.6.0 fixes the ticker issue not showing more than 100 coins. Also include UI improvements.
Version 4.5.2 - 9/16/2018
Minor update to fix percentage value shown in portfolio screen.
Version 4.5.1 - 8/23/2018
Minor update to show more coins in Markets screen
Version 4.5.0 - 8/11/2018
1. Added News - to keep you updated with what's trending in the cryptocurrency space.
2. Receive notifications when:
a. Your mining pool account goes offline
b. In ethOS, when your rig GPU(s) stops hashing
c. The price of the cryptocurrencies you are watching is reached
Version 4.4.1 - 6/4/2018
Minor improvements in Portfolio view.
Version 4.4.0 - 5/24/2018
1.Added Arbitrage - compare your favorite cryptos on different exchanges to help you analyze trading opportunities.
Version 4.3.0 - 5/06/2018
1. Added iCloud drive option. If you deleted the app and reinstalled, all your saved entries will be restored and synced to your iDevices signed-in with the same apple id.
2. Added Settings
3. Added option to view Portfolio entries in compact mode.
4. You can now specify your tab bar favorites.
5. UI improvements and bug fixes.
Version 4.2.0 - 4/24/2018
1. You can now view your crypto holdings using the new Portfolio feature.
2. View your portfolio and market prices with all the available currencies.
3. Update to EthOS detail screen to view individual GPU wattage.
4. Added pool.ellaism.org Ellaism mining pool for ELLA coin.
5. Added monero.spacepools.org mining pool for XMR coin.
6. Performance and UI updates.
7. bugfixes.
Version 4.1.0 - 3/17/2018
1. Added Slushpool miningpool for BTC.
2. UI improvements and bug fixes.
Version 4.0.0 - 3/10/18
1. UI Improvements to Markets screen and new side menu.
2. Update to Ethermine, Ethpool and Flypool mining pools to include Last reported hashrate.
3. Update to Pool.sexy MUSIC coin to conform to new API.
4. Added generic mining pool access to PIRL coin.
5. Reduce price to remove ad.
Version 3.9.1 - 3/1/18
Ethermine, Ethpool and Flypool mining pools updated their APIs which caused the app to not report mining stats. This update fixes this issue.
Version 3.9.0 - 1/28/18
1. Update to Markets screen Charts
Version 3.8.1 - 1/19/18
1. Bug fix for Nicehash mining pool screen and Markets chart.
Version 3.8.0 - 1/17/18
1. Added support for Monerohash.com mining pool for Monero (XMR) token.
2. Update to Nicehash mining pool screen to include projected payouts and unpaid balance history chart.
3. UI updates and bug fix.
Version 3.7.0 - 1/15/18
1. Added support for Nicehash.com Bitcoin (BTC).
2. Update to Markets screen - You can now convert price to ADA, BTC, BCH, BTG, BTCZ, ETC, ETH, LTC, TRX and XRP currencies.
3. UI updates and bug fixes.
Version 3.6.0 - 1/10/18
Added support for etn.spacepools.org mining pool for Electroneum (ETN) token.
Version 3.5.0 - 1/08/18
1. Added support for btgmine.pro mining pool for the BitcoinGold (BTG).
2. Added support for dbixmine.pro mining pool for Dubaicoin (DBIX).
3. Added support for etcmine.pro mining pool for Ethereum Classic (ETC).
4. Added support for expmine.pro mining pool for Expanse (EXP).
5. Added support for hushmine.pro mining pool for Hush (HUSH).
6. Added support for zecmine.pro mining pool for the ZCash (ZEC).
7. Added support for zclmine.pro mining pool for the ZClassic (ZCL).
8. Added support for zenmine.pro mining pool for the Zen (ZEN).
Version 3.2.3 - 12/19/17
1. Added support for 2miners.com mining pool (Pool and Solo mining modes) for the following tokens:
- Bitcoin Gold (BTG)
- DubaiCoin (DBIX)
- Ellaism (ELLA)
- Ethereum (ETH)
- Ethereum Classic (ETC)
- Expanse (EXP)
- Hush (HUSH)
- Metaverse ETP (ETP)
- Musicoin (MUSIC)
- Pirl (PIRL)
- Whalecoin (WHALE)
- Zcash (ZEC)
- Zclassic (ZCL)
- Zen (ZEN)
2. Added support for minerpool.net mining pool for the following tokens:
- Expanse (EXP)
- Ellaism (ELLA)
- Musicoin (MUSIC)
- Pirl (PIRL)
- Pegascoin (PGC)
- Ubiq (UBIQ)
- Whalecoin (WHALE)
Version 3.2.0 - 12/11/17
1. Added support for Electroneum (ETN) on Nanopool.org mining pool.
Version 3.0.0 - 11/26/17
1. Added support for Minertopia.org mining pool for the following tokens:
-Ethereum Classic (ETC)
2. Update to remove video ad popups.
Version 2.9.0 - 11/18/2017
1. Added support for Luckpool.org mining pool for the following tokens:
- BitcoinZ (BTCZ)
- Hush (HUSH)
- Komodo (KMD)
- Votecoin (VOT)
- Zcash (ZEC)
- Zclassic (ZCL)
- Zen (ZEN)
2. UI improvements and bug fixes
Version 2.8.0 - 10/16/2017
1. Added support for Ubiqpool.io mining pool - Ubiq (UBQ) token
2. Added support for Kicker4Miners.org mining pool - Expanse (EXP) token
3. Addes support for Pool.sexy mining pool for the following tokens:
- BitcoinZ (BTCZ)
- Dubaicoin (DBIX)
- Ellaism (ELLA)
- Ethereum classic (ETC)
- Ethereum (ETH)
- Expanse (EXP)
- Hush (HUSH)
- Musicoin (MUSIC)
- Pirl (PIRL)
- Soilcoin (SOIL)
- Ubiq (UBQ)
- Votecoin (VOT)
- Zcash (ZEC)
Version 2.7.0 - 9/30/2017
1. Added support for HODLPool Expanse (EXP) mining pool.
2. Added support for HODLPool Musicoin (MUSIC) mining pool.
3. Added support for HODLPool Ubiq (UBQ) mining pool.
4. Added support for HODLPool Whale (WHALE) mining pool.
5. Added support for Ubiqpool.com Ubiq (UBQ) mining pool.
6. Added support for Ubiqminers.org Ubiq (UBQ) mining pool.
7. Added support for Ubiq.minerpool.net Ubiq (UBQ) mining pool.
8. Added support for Ubiq.coinminers.info Ubiq (UBQ) mining pool.
9. Added support for Ubiq.epicpool.club Ubiq (UBQ) mining pool.
10. Added support for Mine.house Dubaicoin (DBIX) mining pool.
11. Added support for Mine.house Expanse (EXP) mining pool.
12. Added support for Mine.house Ubiq (UBQ) mining pool.
13. Updated the mining pool screen to make it easier to select the desired token to mine.
14. UI improvements and bug fixes.
Version 2.6.0 - 9/25/2017
1. Added support for Siaming.com Siacoin (SIA) mining pool.
2. Added Pool and Network stats for Ethermine, Ethpool and Nanopool mining pools.
3. Fixed Target price not being saved correctly in Markets detail screen.
4. UI improvements and other bug fixes.
Version 2.5.0 - 9/19/2017
1. Added support for Litecoinpool.org Litecoin (LTC) mining pool.
2. Added Kicker4gamers.org Ethereum Classic (ETC) mining pool.
3. Added support for MiningClub.info Musicoin (MUSIC) mining pool.
4. Added support for TrustFarm.io Musicoin (MUSIC) mining pool.
5. To better manage mining pool accounts, you can now re-arrange the view order of the accounts in the Mining Pools list screen.
6. To conveniently view mining pool workers, workers are now sorted alphabetically and also added a filter to view only Inactive workers.
7. UI improvements and bug fixes.
Version 2.4.0 - 9/13/2017
1. Added support for Expanse (EXP) on ExpansePool mining pool.
2. Added support for Musicoin (MUSIC) on NomNom-Technology mining pool.
3. Updated the mining pools to show Next Payout date/time.
4. Updated the mining pools to show detailed graphs of Payouts, Rounds and Workers.
Version 2.3.0 9/07/2017
1. You can now filter to show only the crypto currencies you are "Watching".
2. You can now easily Pull-to-refresh the Markets screen to update the crypto currencies stats.