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Free Tower Defense Game iPhone iPod Touch Strategy
Slimes Almanac

Green Slime - (Dictyostelium discoideum) a.k.a. 'Yucky'. Yucky is the regular type, most commonly encountered member of the Slime Family.

Drum Major Slime - a.k.a. 'Whistle Blower', the DMS announces the arrival of a huge wave of slimes. It can also summon Slimes by blowing his whistle.

Batter Slime - a.k.a. 'Barry'. Sporting a baseball helmet makes this Slime twice as tough than Yuckies.

Hurdler Slime - a.k.a. 'Bolt'. Moves fast and can jump over the first defender it encounters. Can't jump over Armored Guards.

Umpire Slime - a.k.a. 'Blue'. All geared up while shouting 'You're Out!!' makes Blue extremely resistant to damage.

Hopper Slime - a.k.a. 'Bounce'. Bounce can bypass any defender by jumping high. Hoppers don't bite but will explode if they encounter a defender at the end of their jump.

SideKick Slime - normally rides on the sidecar of the Slime Cruiser Bike and operates the built-in Slime Cannon. Loves road trips.

Biker Slime - Operates the Slime Cruiser Bike and loves road trips.

Miner Slime - a.k.a. 'Gold Digger'. Full of energy & anticipation, G.D. digs his way underground and jumps up to the surface when he bumps into anything.

Sneaky Slime - a.k.a. 'Indy'. After tunneling to the left, Indy decided to switch it up a bit and started walking to the right.

Slimebie - (Homo-Coprophagus-Somnambulus Dictyostelium discoideum) or Slime Zombie for short. Tougher than Yuckies and scarier looking too.

Parachuter Slime - a.k.a. 'Sky'. Bold & determined, his motto is 'Ex alto Vincimus'. Vulnerable to anti-air weapons.

Hara-Kiri Slimes - Runs fast and self detonates upon contact but easy to kill. Hara (green) runs faster but Kiri (red) packs a bigger blast.

Ninja Slime - a.k.a. 'Shinobi'. Covert and swift, Shinobi is a true ninja who specializes in unorthodox warfare and performs amazing acrobat moves.

Balloon - Can gracefully float above ground defenses without being detected by ground troops. Vulnerable to Archers, Lightning Bolt Johnnys, Snipers, Mowers and Rocket Infantries.

The Blimp - Blimp is a free floating airship that carries slime balls in its belly. Vulnerable to Archers, Lightning Bolt Johnnys, Snipers, Mowers and Rocket Infantries.

The Zeppelin - Mightier airship compared to the Blimp. Drops slime balls and Hara-Kiris hang from its belly that deploy after it gets destroyed.

Bean Car - Slimes cramp themselves in this fun to drive car in search of the ultimate party. Seats 3 and comes with standard 150HP engine, alloy wheels and Timebomb.

The Van - Driven by Shinobi and rigged with a Timebomb that can damage nearby defenders.

Slime Cruiser Bike - Built with a Dual V-Twin engine, upgraded suspension and a Timebomb. Preferred ride of Slimes who love road trips.

Slime Plant Cannon - Uses slime ball shells and fires them as projectiles from a distance similar to a Mortar.

Jumbo Halitosis Slime - a.k.a. 'Bad Breath'. Moves slow but extremely resistant to damage with a breath that could stink a defender to death.

Jumbo Purple Slime - (Solanum melongena) a.k.a. 'Night Shade'. Carries Hara-Kiris that throw slime balls from a distance. Extremely resistant to damage.

Major Problem Slime - This Boss Slime is protected by his Panzer Tank that fires slime projectiles at a distance.

B3 Slime - a.k.a 'Slimey'. B3 (Big Bad Boss) Slimey is the Biggest and Baddest of them all. Slimey is waiting for you at the last level.

Free Tower Defense Game

for iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

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